
Showing posts from March, 2021

Franta - Palatul Versailles - partea a II-a

  FRANTA - PALATUL VERSAILLES - PARTEA a II-a     In acest articol va prezint Palatul Versailles, partea a II-a (Apartamentul privat al Regelui, Apartamentul privat al Reginei, Camera Incoronarii, Galeriile Istorice si Gradinile Versailles).  

Franta - Palatul Versailles - partea I

  FRANTA - PALATUL VERSAILLES - PARTEA I   In acest articol va prezint Palatul Versailles, partea I (istoricul palatului, Capela Regala, Camerele secolului al XVII-lea, Apartamentele de Stat ale Regelui si Sala Oglinzilor) .   

Germany - Rhine Gorge

The Rhine Gorge is a popular name for the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, a 65 km section of the Rhine between Koblenz and Bingen, in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse. The area was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites, in June 2002. The river has been an important trade route into central Europe since prehistoric times and small settlements have grown up along its banks. Many of these old towns retain a historic feel today. By increasing wealth, many castles appeared and the valley became a core region of the Holy Roman Empire. There are 40 hill castles between Koblenz and Bingen. The area was the centre of the Thirty Years' War, which left many of the castles in ruins. At one time forming a border of France, in the 19th century the valley became part of Prusia. This part of the Rhine featured strongly in folklore, such as a legend of an enchanting female, associated with Loreley rock. The area is a particular attraction for today's cruise ships which follow the r